interesting facts about servings:
1 serving of fish or chicken is about the size of a deck of cards.
1 serving of pasta should fit in the palm of your hand
1 serving of fruit or veggies is a baseball
1 serving of cheese is a domino
1 serving of bread is ... haha who are we kidding?! eating bread!?
Think about it, the last time you were having a healthy meal of broiled chicken and steamed veggies, did you eat 1/3 of a chicken breast? Did you only have less than a handfull of veggies?? Actual servings sizes are TINY.
Although we having been making very yummy, low calorie food, most of the times I eat about 1.25 servings. Which isn't too bad considering we are making meals that have about 300 calories in one serving.
To the right is a Chicken Caprese Salad. We used 1 serving of broiled chicken, 1/2 large tomato, 2.5 slices of low-fat, part skim, fresh mozzarella, chopped basil on top of romaine lettuce with a calorie free (YUP ZERO CALORIES!) balsamic vinaigrette. Yumm Yumm Yumm- total: about 270 calories.
Serving of cheese = domino??? Ridiculous. I eat an entire wheel at leisure, and it's impressive