Aaaaaaaalgebra. How I love algebra! Solving for x, finding the ratio, simplifying the exponential expression, factoring the quadratic, determining the average of a set... yummy, yummy math.
I teach 9th grade algebra and special education algebra.
My teaching style is traditional, but with sprinkles of Sarah P in it. The beginning of my class resembles that of when I was in highschool, but instead of silently working on practice problems or starting the homework early the middle and end of my class is filled with a variety of activities. Some are straight up practice some are solving mysteries through factoring. We solve equations to help the fishes run away from the shark, we speed date around the room while graphing lines. We throw balls to each other across the room to see parabolic motion, we count M&Ms (and eat them too) to talk about exponential decay. We take pictures of real life objects and find their area, we design our own parks to find the cost of the materials. We present problems like we are presenting information to jury, asking for their verdict. But mostly importantly, we learn math.
I have good days, I have bad days. I'm a moody person, so sometimes my own crankiness effects what we do in class, but overall this is the most amazing thing i've ever done. I can't believe I get paid to do this... I feel like it's more like I get to do what I love with a little bonus thrown in on the 1st and 15th of the month...
I could not even imagine ever doing anything else...