Let's begin at the beginning of my 'grown up' life. I finished my bachelor's degree last may in Mathematics (moans and groans) and promptly moved to New York City. I left behind the quaint suburbs of cleveland, where I spent my younger days, and the corn fields of Gambier, where I attended college.
Kenyon College is my favorite place in the world. Nothing will ever compare to its beauty, the amazing people I spent my college years with, or the hilarious, embarrassing

But after four years in my little paradise, they said I had to leave. So, I graduated and moved to New York as a teaching fellow for Math for America. Sounds big and impressive, sometimes I think it is, most of the time I don't. I've just finished my master's degree in math education and procured a teaching position at a (relatively) new high school in Soho. I'll be teaching 9th grade math in this small, independent learning based school. I'm very excited, yet nervous about the beginning of my teaching career especially as the fall grows closer. More of that to come.
For the summer, I've gotten myself a little job as a barista! It's been an interesting, frustrating exhausting adventure including too much free coffee, some annoying customers, some annoying coworkers and a significant lack of sleep. Thus I've been spending my days making coffee drinks for strangers and my evenings as a house-girlfriend (housewife in training) to my boyfriend, Zach. I've become quite the little homemaker since graduating from college and moving into an apartment with a decent kitchen. Apparently I had a chef hiding underneath four years of microwaved soup and late night pizza deliveries! Hence the emergence of my new favorite hobby- cooking!
Much to Zach's pleasure, I've not only taken up cooking, but am experimenting with fancy food as well. Some
I think my main motivations here are to document the happenings of my first year of teaching. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, says that your first year of teaching is terrible. And although I'm hoping for the best, I don't have unrealistic expectations. What ever happens I'm sure it will be interesting. I'll probably have great days where all I'll want to write about it how awesome my students are or how great my lesson went, but I'm sure there will be other days where I'll want to cry if I think about school and then I'll make a delicious meal and write about that! So we'll see how it goes, I'm sure it will be quite the adventure...
You are toooo adorable and that meal was DEEEEEELICIOUS!!! OMG big time! you're the best! you can definitely cook for me annnnnnytime!